
AS1841 Australian Standard For Fire Extinguisher

By 8 August 2022No Comments

This AS1841 Australian Standard specifies the requirements for fire extinguishers with a rated pressure of up to 20 000 kPa (220 000 psi) and with a dry chemical agent in accordance with AS1842.

The test method involves measurement of pressure within the extinguisher when subjected to a rate of discharge equal to the maximum output pressure of the device. This rate is assumed to be over a period of time which may be appropriate for use in an emergency situation. If smoke is produced during testing, this should be recorded. The results are expressed in terms of standard deviation units (SDU), which represent the amount by which one result exceeds another. A value of 250 SDU indicates that two readings obtained within 2 % of each other could not be distinguished by visual observation.

This standard applies only where there are no other applicable standards or codes that apply directly to this class of product.

The AS1841 Australian Standard for fire extinguishers in Australia. It sets out the requirements for the construction and operation of fire extinguishers, including:the maximum amount of water that a fire extinguisher can release under normal conditions;

the minimum duration of time for which a fire extinguisher can be operated before it must be recharged; andthe minimum pressure at which a fire extinguisher should operate.

AS1841 Australian Standard that specifies the requirements for the design, manufacture and testing of fire extinguishers. The standard applies to all types of fire extinguishers, including portable and fixed extinguishers in buildings and vehicles.

The standard was developed by the National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme (NICNAS), an agency under both the Department of Health and Ageing and the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. The role of NICNAS is to assess chemicals for possible inclusion in a national inventory of hazardous substances.

The Australian Standards for Fire Extinguishers is the standard for fire extinguishers in Australia. These standards relate to the performance of fire extinguishers and cover such issues as design, construction, testing and maintenance.

The AS1841 sets out requirements for the design, construction, testing and maintenance of fire extinguishers. The AS1841 also sets out requirements for the certification of fire extinguishers by bodies or agents acceptable to the Standards Council of Australia (SCA). This includes acceptance testing at a site and on board an aircraft.

The SCA has a process for approving bodies or agents who wish to certify fire extinguishers. This includes having an appropriate facility for testing and maintaining the equipment.

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